If you find content on Seedly which you consider to be spam, harassment, or which violates the Seedly Guidelines, please report it via the reporting system or email us with details.
The reporting function should only be used to report violations of the Seedly Guidelines. Abuse of the reporting function will result in a penalty and a potential ban from Seedly.
Report content
- Go to the content which you want to report.
- Click or tap the three-dot button at the top right-hand corner of the content.
- Click or tap on the "Report" button which pops up.
- Choose the reason for reporting — in this case, the answer is “Unsubstantial” as the answer is too short and needs further elaboration.
- Click or tap "Submit Report".
- A banner will appear at the top of the page stating "Thank you, your report is submitted!". This confirms that you have successfully reported a content.
What happens when your content is reported?
- You will receive a notification on Seedly informing you that your content has been reported. If you have the Seedly app, you’ll also receive an in-app notification.
- Click or tap on the notification icon to see what content was reported and why. If there has been a violation, the Seedly team reserves the right to remove content associated with, or ban or delete your Seedly profile.
Definitions: Reasons for reporting
- Doesn't Answer the Question: Answer does not address the question that was asked
- Factually Incorrect: Content is factually incorrect
- Fraudulent: Content contains suspected fraudulent intent
- Harassment: Content which causes harassment, alarm or distress to another party
- Inconsistent: Review is not consistent with the rating given
- Incorrect Topics: Content is tagged to the incorrect or irrelevant topic tags
- Joke Answer: Answer is not sincere or useful
- Nudity: Content contains nudity
- Plagiarism: Reusing Content without attribution (link and blockquotes) or copied other users content for his/her own
- Poorly Written: Content needs elaboration, rephrasing or contextualisation or has very bad formatting, grammar, and spelling
- Private Information: Content includes information which should not be displayed
- Profanity: Content contains profanities
- Promotional Spam: Content contains a Promo Code/Contact number/Email address used solely for promotional purposes and/or Content contains links without any context or affiliate links which have some commercial gain (Refer to the ‘links’ section for more information)
- Suspicious: Content is made with an ulterior motive, possibly to defame product in the case of reviews
- Unsubstantial: Content is too short, does not value-add to the community. Needs further elaboration
- Wrong product: Review does not belong to the correct category/product
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