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- Tag your Discussions to the relevant topic tags – The more accurate you are when tagging your Discussions, the more likely you are to get help.
- Refrain from spamming the same Discussion – If your Discussion has not been addressed, edit it by rephrasing or giving it more context in order to help other community members help you.
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Note: Discussions which are deemed identical will be merged with an original Discussion (aka parent Discussion) thread. You may refer to the parent Discussion thread for your answer.
Locked Discussions
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- The Discussion has been asked earlier and has been merged with an original Discussion thread.
- The Discussion is for a Seedly giveaway or campaign and participation is closed.
- The Discussion thread has too many answers, and is too long — This makes finding a satisfactory comment or reply difficult. The original Discussion thread will be locked, and a new one will be started.
Note: When a Discussion is locked, community members will not be able to add a new comment to the Discussion thread. However, members can still bookmark, reply, follow, upvote, as well as report comments and replies.
Comments & Replies
When Posting
- Be comprehensive (if needed) and provide justifications or examples where possible – Remember that not everyone in the community possesses the same level of knowledge or expertise.
- Provide helpful comments with proper explanations which addresses the Discussion
- Be friendly and respectful towards other community members – Even if there are differences in opinions. Agree to disagree.
In General
- Refrain from responding inappropriately or devaluing others’ perspectives – Having a difference of opinion is normal and you can disagree with other community members. However, we should always do so respectfully.
- Do not post private information – For the safety of our community members, we do not allow the posting of personal contact information (eg. contact numbers, email addresses), especially for promotional purposes.
- Do not post self-promotional content or information – Please refer to the “Promo Codes And Links” section for more information.
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