What is a Category Comparison Page on Seedly?
A Category Comparison Page is where Seedly users can discover and learn more about the products in the category.
There are up to 6 key components of a Category Comparison Page: Search, Related Article, Categories, Products, Category Information, and Calculator*
*The Calculator section is only available on Savings Accounts, Electricity Retailers and Mobile Plans categories.
What is shown on the Category Comparison Page?
A Category Comparison Page automatically displays a related article, a list of categories on Seedly, products in the category, as well as category information.
Category Search: Users may only search for a product within the category. The Category Search differs from the search bar in the navigation bar, where users may search for any product review, discussion or article on Seedly.
Related Article: We show an article written by Seedly that is related to the category.
Categories: We show a list of categories that are available on Seedly.
Products: By default, we display the 10 ranked products in the category based on the Most Popular Ranking*. You can filter the products by most popular, most reviewed, highest rating and alphabetical order.
*Most Popular Ranking is dependent on the product’s review ratings, recency of reviews, and total volume of reviews in no particular order
Category Information: The category information will be displayed.
What products are listed on the Category Comparison Page?
Products that match the category criteria will be listed on www.seedly.sg/reviews. You can search for the product on our site to check if it's listed. If you don’t find your products on Seedly, write to us at support@seedly.sg.
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